Fall in Love with Me: Episode 17 [recap]

I’ll admit it. I’m a horrible blogger. It’s been two years since I considered even looking at these recaps. Last we left off Leo had suddenly decided to jump ships from OZ to Tian Ji, Tao Zi had one last night of passion before Tian Xing has the shackles of a forced marriage clasped on, and Huan Huan--Huan Huan would have rather been hit by a truck than have her lie exposed to the world. Will Little Miss Liar Liar live to lie another day, or does Tian Xing finally find a way out of this horrible engagement? Join Aunnie, Wendilynn and I, Firnlambe, as we finally discuss episode 17 of Fall in Love with Me.

First, I'd like to preface this with, in the last two years, I've changed quite a bit so I may not feel the same way as I did back then. That being said, I still think Lance got the shaft in these last few episodes.

*Firnlambe interrupts*

Stawp, let me finish. His Mama is a piece of work, like, of epic proportions. That scene at the hospital, *inhales intensely* wait, wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. Poor Lance, he's literally a good guy stuck between a rock and a hard place and having to consciously make bad decisions.

Woman we will have words later. I think the main issue at the moment though is Miss Liar Liar Pants on Fire...maybe we should start with her.

This girl is crazy! Like, beyond crazy. She's… Well, ok… Take a deep breath guys, I believe she's a product of her environment. Hear me out, she's cray-cray, but look at the rest of her dysfunctional family! Is it any wonder that she turned out the way she did? The spoiled little princess that everyone has coddled her entire life? And while we're on the subject, everyone, EVERYONE, in this show needs to grow some b*lls. Especially Le Si, like girl, do you love this man? Yes? YES? Then buck up and wheel her sorry ass into the street and like happily ever after! But moreover, Aaron (what's his name?) F: Tian Xing. Well he needs to realize that marrying Huan Huan is not only the irresponsible choice but just….this isn't even altruistic, it's melodramatic, to say the least. How hard is it too disown the people who are doing this to you?

This is ultimate spoiling and panic. She’s been indulged in every way and her family doesn't know how to say no. Habits breed dysfunction. Whatever she wanted, she got and to hell with the consequences. It also doesn’t help that the family feels they own Tian Xing. And now that she’s hurt, they are in panic mode and are being shameless. I’m glad Tian Xing finally started to confront them. Having that picture standing should have did more, but they all just tried to deny she stood up. 

It bothers me though that no one has punched her in the face. *Aunnie cackles in the background* No, really it really does. It’s been 2 years since I watched this episode the first time and it still pulls out RAGE like you would not believe. Not only does Huan Huan get called out on her lie and get away with it, she continues to try and spin her situation as if it’s Tao Zi’s fault, that SHE is the one who put her in the chair instead of her own ignorance to her surroundings, but as if that wasn’t enough Mother Dearest does as well?!? (╯‵Д′)╯︵ ┻━┻ Someone smite this family! Smite them and save me the trouble of having to continue watching them on screen.

I told you, the feels (good and bad) are like muscle memory. One snotty look from Huan Huan and I remember every once of dislike.

Yeah, the family can’t face that they are doing wrong. And that going to the doctor didn’t stop the family at all, boggled my mind. 

Agreed, though the fact that her condition has medically gotten worse does not surprise me. She’s hoarding pills as if they are the most precious thing in the world. So precious that no one can see them and she can’t bare to eat them. //eye roll// It boggles my mind that she keeps the medication instead of flushing that shit down the toilet. I mean--if I wanted to make people think I’ve been taking my medication, when clearly I hadn’t, that’s what I would do. Get rid of any and all evidence that could prove otherwise.

Note to self, Firnlambe is scary. “get rid of any and all evidence” lolol but in this case you and I agree, why hoard it? Does she secretly want to get help? Is this a cry for help? That's what a psychologist would suggest. Me? She's just stupid and has poor planning skills--clearly or she wouldn't have been caught on camera standing. Like, you if you’re going to pretend, either go 100% or not at all. Halfsies get you caught.

She can’t get better because then Tian Xing would leave and she knows this. He was willing to give up everything before. And it just boggles my mind that her family refuses to see it. She’s gone crazy over this and all they want to do is blame Tao Le Si. 

It doesn’t help that Lance is low-key encouraging her condition. He wants to trap Tian Xing, and Huan Huan is the easiest method to do that. Going back to Huan Huan getting called out on her lie. I really like how Tian Xing went about revealing he knows. He totally trapped her and her family into allowing him to essentially drag her out of the Engagement Party and into the Hospital. It was perfect, well except for the fact that her condition has gotten worse….but that’s besides the point.

And we're back to Lance, I'm sad for him. That's all I'll say because I know I'm almost alone in my feelings for him. I will say this though, the mom tempting to keep Tian Xing close by dangling the company in front him is like the worst thing she could do to Lance. Lance must be feeling like “Why aren't I good enough?” To me, Mommy dearest is the worst of them all, she's blind to her children's growing instability, she's pretending like her decision to raise a small child as her own after her best friends die is somehow a debt said small child needs to pay back when they're an adult. Then cornering Le Si at the elevator, gah! 

I just wish it had meant something, other than stopping the engagement. But everyone ignored it because she’s worse than she was at the retreat when she could stand. That Leo also was aware of all this I think helps. AS for Lance, he’s cutting off his nose to spite his face. He wants Tian Ji for himself, but he keeps pushing for his sister even though he knows what his mom is doing in trying to bribe Tian Xing to stay. I would feel sorry for him if he wasn’t being such an asshole. What gets me is how this family, grew up with Tian Xing and are flat out ignoring what he wants. That has to be torture when the people you love most are hurting you the most. 

GAH! I looked at her black eye soulless face again while she was crying and my need to throttle is rising

Excuse me?!? Woman do you even SEE what you are doing to the man you claim to love? You are essentially a cat backing a mouse into a corner. Push him far enough against the wall and he is going to bite you before you have the chance to pounce. How does this family not see that the man they claim to love like family, hates everything about this current situation? 

If she was looking at what she was doing, she wouldn’t be doing it. I liked when they finally got her home from the hospital that Tian Xing had a very frank discussion with mom about who exactly needs to open their eyes to what’s going on. Forcing this wedding won’t make Huan Huan better. And I really think that’s all mom can think. That if this wedding happens, Huan Huan will walk again. 

Probably my favorite scene from this episode, because for once, they spoke their minds without yelling at each other. Tian Xing’s calm demeanor was refreshing. Well, until momma decided the truth was too truthful and threw a tantrum like a 13 year old. 

True. It’s just too bad that Huan Huan wasn’t caught by Tian Xing while stashing her pills. It was sooooo close. I knew it wasn’t going to happen, I knew it wasn’t going to happen two years ago as well, but I still had this hope that he would somehow look at her panicked face and think something was a miss.

I want her to get caught with those pills too. If a picture of standing doesn’t wake them up, maybe self sabotage will? Maybe? 

I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that Huan Huan would willingly destroy her body and her chance at walking again just to force Tian Xing to stay with her!!! I mean, that's insane, not the kind of crazy like “she makes me mad” but insane like, she committable. Straight up, she be hospitalized.

Right?! Like the woman needs to be hospitalized on multiple levels….granted if she has anything to say about it she’ll just scream her little heart out when the situation doesn’t go the way she want’s it to. Like when she wanted to visit Tao Zi at the clinic. There is everyone honestly wishing she get better, not because they want the wedding called off (though I’m sure that’s true), but because they honestly want her to be healthy. And what does Miss Liar Liar do? Scream accusations back and forth at the top of her lungs. 

....... *deep breathe* IMeanSeiouslyWhyWouldYouLetHerContinueScreamingAtYou. YoureMobileShesNot. WalkAway. DoYouKnowHowHardItIsToOpenADoorAndWheelYourselfOut? *Loses breath* it's not in me to let someone berate me like she's berating them. I would have put a stop to that immediately.

I love that Tao Zi’s family are loving caring people, but I just don’t know how forbearing I would be in this same situation. 

Agreed, but Tao Zi’s family really is the best. Particularly Mom when she decides to fight for her daughter’s happiness. I absolutely loved this whole ending sequence. It was a breath of fresh air after watching Huan Huan go crazy….again….up in her room.

Agreed. I loved that they asked him to run away with their daughter. Not too many parents ask the guy to elope with their daughter. Lol

The rage meter is a ticking folks. How do you feel about the way Tao Zi and Tian Xing are handling the horrible hand Huan Huan has dealt them? Do you agree or do you feel like stronger action should have been taken. Maybe you feel Mama and Papa Tao have the right idea and they should just elope. Join us in the comments section below and let us know your thoughts from this episode. 

Want more from our makeshift Fall in Love with Me​​ Drama Club? Check out our individual blogs or get in touch with us via Twitter!

Firnlambe - @firnlambe 
Wendilynn - As the Kimchi Turns


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