Fall in Love with Me: Episode 16 [Recap]

Greetings Fall in Love with Me fans!! Sadly we've only got 4 more episodes to our beloved series, so unfortunately that means even more crazy plots and more heartbreaks will be packed into each remaining episode. Last episode had most of use filling up the rage meter, and for those of you who still hadn't felt the need to grab the nearest pillow and chuck it at the wall . . . well this episode will more than likely give you the extra push you need to start throwing. Lets get started shall we?

Bitch you best back off our Aaron reeeal quick.

This was just petty and quite frankly, Huan Huan, you know better! THIS made me look down on you . . . You've disappointed me. And Aaron, You let it happen!

This pissed me off. Huan Huan just flat out doesn't care whether Tian Xing loves her or not.  As long as she is his. I understand that she is trying to scare Le Si off, but this would so not work on me.


That is a wonderful idea!! Lets start making bets on who would be more entertaining: Miao Miao or the short dude? 

Salt, lemon, open wound.  You know, I really don't like the Mama Li.  She's a bad person.

Yes it is . . . and guess what? Tian Xing wants nothing to do with Tian Ji, nothing. He's never expressed an interest in the company so I don't really see the reason you need to stay mad and take your frustration out on Tian Xing and OZ.

You tell it like it is Lance. Don't let anyone take it from you . . . especially your mother! White-knuckle first that company!!!

Lance just wants Tian Xing under his thumb and doing his bidding.  I'm surprised there isn't a slave contract somewhere.

My God this woman child is delusional. No you are not the only person who can give Tian Xing a happy future. Actually--you are the reason he can not have a happy future. 

I feel so bad for this woma--*dodges dish from Firnlambe* Let Me Finish, Gawd!! Wendilynn, you are reasonable,  hold her back for a moment. *swipes shattered glass from her shirt* As I was saying, I feel bad for this woman. She has been so babied her entire life she hasn't been allowed to grow up and realize that the world is a cruel and vicious place filled with disappointment and pain. Too jaded? Well, very, very rarely does one marry and stay happily in love with their first love. She has yet to learn this simple truth. 

delusion because she's been told garbage by her family her whole life. 

When will this black box of doom come to light?!?! And why would she even keep the medication to begin with? If I was determined to never take my medication, yet I needed those around me to believe that I am, I would collect them for a while only to flush them straight down the toilet.

Stupid. Stupid. So, inconceivably stupid. To me, this is saying she wants to get caught subconsciously. She wants Tian Xing, yes, and shes obviously hoping she this act of irreparable damage will keep him with her BUT she is also afraid of never walking again. This is a subconscious, maybe even slightly conscious, statement on her part: "Someone find this. Stop me because I can't stop myself." Been there, done that, understand the non-verbal lingo. Poor Huan Huan.

Yeah, I don't get why she keeps the pills either.  This is an easy way to get caught.

I do not approve a teary eyed Aaron. It just breaks my heart

I can only imagine that while studying to be an actor, the day the subject of crying was addressed, the teacher took one look st Aaron's performance and said "Why don't I just call you when this portion of the rubric is over, eh?" Or the teacher asked Aaron to student teach, either way, Aaron is one of the most amazing criers I've ever seen onscreen, objectively speaking. He really brings out Tian Xing's struggle in this scene. 

Making Aaron cry is a crime against nature.  Enough said.  Man, he sells it with every tear.  Watching his heart break as he's betrayed by his family is almost too much.

Ugh . . . leave it to the second lead to take the road less traveled. Must you do this Leo?!? There has to be other ways.

The last time Leo said this, he punched Tian Xing. I'd be leery. However, out of allllllll the characters on this show, I trust Leo and Wei the most so when he says he wants to "chat", well . . . I guess I'm all ears.

Leo has plans, though. I'm with Aunnie,  Leo is the guy to put your faith in.  I would trust Tian Xing more if he wasn't in a blackmail situation and had his hands tied by his family. 

Way to go Le Si!! Way to pull up your big girl panties and go for what you want. Screw that family! Take time to be alone with your man.

Only took 16 episodes . . .

They needed this time together.  Something to connect just them.

Let the foreshadowing begin!!! I hope Tian Xing and Le Si start fighting for their love really soon.

So many people think that if its true, then it should have no struggle.  I've found that real love takes the biggest fight of your life to keep.

I absolutely agree Wendilynn! Real love isn't roses and poems, its dirt and band-aids. Did ya'll really need to see this on an annoyingly pretty purplish-pink piece of paper to know that some things in life are worth fighting for? Gah . . .

Ha! I loved the snake that forced Le Si out . . . sorry I was distracted by a shirtless Aaron and a superb kissing scene. Lets try that again *ahem* I really liked  that Tian Xing didn't force things with Le Si . . . . . . . *wakes up from another dazed stupor* Wait, what was I talking about again.

The man has miles long eyelashes, skin as clear as the sky,  lips that looks as soft and gentle as . . . Im sorry, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, mile long eyelashes, skin as clear as the sky, slips that look as soft and gentle as . . . Im sorry . . .

We're talking?  Cause all I'm doing is wishing I could trade places with Le Si right now.   I love watching this boy kiss.

This was cute . . . Its just too bad the crazy family is doing their best to not let this scene happen with real rings.

My heart was totally stolen with this lovers promise.

Im glad ya'll are focusing on the sweet and romantic aspect, I'll just stare longingly at the nakedness of Aaron Yan and let you guys discuss the significance of matrimony . . .

Ok . . . if there was someone that close snapping dozens of pictures at me I'm fairly confident I would hear the shutter. Particularly when there is no other sound.

How did they not know?  I know the sex was probably amazing, but seriously. 

"Probably"? It's sad that you gave him the benefit of the doubt? Or just really realistic, either way, Im with both of you. This guy got F- in his subtlety rogue class because my 8 year old nieces are sneakier than this. Pretty sure shutter bugs don't actually sounds like shutters! 

Ummmmmm I'm not sure what the technical term may be, but I believe macking on the woman he loves seems appropriate . . . duh!

Kissing, making out, "macking", groaning, grun--, you have two kids, how do you not know what he's doing? I would think the pictures speak for themselves--"A picture is worth a thousand words", pretty sure these pictures are saying millions. 

Running from you?  Following his heart?  Claiming the woman he really loves?  I'm sure you're getting the picture.

Bitch I hope these images haunt you for eternity. You deserve so much more pain than what these measly photos will bring you.

Yeah, its gotta hurt to know that she'll never have this. She's never once seen this side of him . . . and she never will. I often wonder, in situations like this,  does the manipulator realize that they'll essentially be blackmailing another person into . . . fornicating . . . with them against their will just because they want to marry them? Like, does that even compute? How awkward is THAT wedding night? Hella . . .

Why would you keep going after seeing these? There is no way she'd get his lips on hers in this fashion. He will never give you this. She's his sister, there is no way in hell he's going to actually have sex with her.

awwww come on now Leo . . . I know I said it before but do you really have to take this road?

I repeat: Leo, I have complete and utter faith in you. No matter what.  Always have. Always will.

The mountains of words not being said in this scene was stunning.

WOMAN!! Sorry scratch that WOMAN CHILD!!! You do not even maybe deserve to feel like you have been wronged. Oh my God . . . If I was Le Si I would have turned on this bitch soooo freaking fast.

Im . . . Im . . . going to go over here *goes to stand next to the big ass white elephant in the room everyone is pretending isn't there* Under no circumstances should Huan Huan have slapped Le Si. But are we forgetting that Tian Xing has yet to actually tell everyone to eff off and that he's going to marry whomever he wants and the circumstances be damned? No, he has not. Hes playing along to keep the peace so he's kinda, sorta, playing both sides and kinda, sorta, both their man...He just needs to stick to his guns be tell this ridiculous family that think they own him to eff the hell off before you guys can get well and truly mad.

You're trying to steal another woman's man and you've been insulted?  You've blackmailed your future husband into marrying you and YOU'VE been insulted? You steal another's happiness and YOU'VE been insulted?  oh, I don't think so, child. As for Tian Xing playing both sides, I don't see that he is. He recognizes that something is very off kilter with Huan Huan. Its more like damage control, under blackmail situations where the one he loves is in danger.  He has talked till he was blue in the face about loving Le Si and they have ignored him over and over again.

I'm so eternally grateful Tian Xing has Uncle Fu in his life. He is by far the best, and quite possibly, the only good thing to come out of Tian Xing being taken in by the Li family 

I love that even though he has to "play the game" as it were, it is very clearly on Tian Xing's side and I sincerely hope at some point his loyalty is called into question and his true nature is called to light. Imagine the looks on their faces!!!!

He's the only good thing to come out of that family.  I don't like how Uncle Fu's hands are tied in certain areas.  He can't been seen to be helping.

I did mention that this woman child is delusional right? Come to your senses Huan Huan . . . Tian Xing obviously is not happy with this situation. What makes you think you have the right to force this upon him.

See, this makes me feel even worse for her because she is clearly suffering a mental break! Between the loss of Tian Xing, loss of legs, familial pressure, shes clearly not mentally okay which makes her behavior not a product of her own, rightful actions. Not that they are okay, but just proves that she wouldn't be doing these things if she were in her right mind.

oh no, she's looney.  She's also been driven to this extreme by her brother and mother. 

Spiteful Bitch . . .  that's all this woman child is. Spiteful and oh so very lost.

Poor mental breakdown . . .

slap her . . just slap her now.

Not everyone is fucked up in the head like you are my dear. Leo is too smart to go down that path.

Poor mental breakdown . . .

I always hate it when I hear this kind of crap.  If you think love is that fickle, why do you assume your love is so pure?

Im sorry. If I was moving in my wheelchair when I know that I should, in fact, be stationary . . . I would NOT just sit there like an idiot listening to music with my eyes closed. Nope--my eyes would have popped open so freaking quick, and I would have slammed on that chairs breaks as soon as I felt myself moving. And dear God I would not simply attempt to uselessly lift myself up to get to safety like Huan Huan did. ITS A FREAKING WHEELCHAIR!!! MOVE YOUR SORRY ASS FORWARDS OR BACKWARDS!!! Stupid Git. 

Actually, I dont think she knew she was suppose to be stationary. She had her eyes closed when he stopped so Im thinking she thought he was pushing her again. Medically speaking, if you are moving a patient, especially outside, you ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS apply the breaks when you leave them unattended. Always. That kind of mistake is cause for immediate termination. Anyway, as far as not standing up, just goes to show how much her mother and brother have affected her mental status--a normal person's survival instinct (whether they could walk or not) would be to get the hell out of dodge. Whether she had to crawl or not, it would be to move. The fact that she didnt, shows judmst how far gone she is. She needs help. I feek bad for herm

I would have used my legs and pushed me back so fast or better yet, get up and MOVE!  However, this was the first inkling I had that Huan Huan not taking her meds was giving her serious consequences.

Well viewers? Do you like how things are playing out? or are you all waiting on baited breaths for the Li family's pride to come crashing down around them in a glorious fashion? You know how we feel, so let us know your thoughts in the comments below. And as always we leave you with an adorable Behind The Scenes video for episode 16.

Want more from our makeshift Fall in Love with Me​​ Drama Club? Check out our individual blogs or get in touch with us via Twitter!

Firnlambe - @firnlambe
Wendilynn - As the Kimchi Turns

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Episode 17


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