
Showing posts from February, 2013

The final part of the Drinking Game for Kdrama addicts

It's here!!! the last and most difficult level of the Drinking Game fore Kdrama addicts!! Lvl 3: you better be an Expert otherwise you'll be in a heap of trouble. As I've mentioned in my previous posts ( 1 & 2 ), I've tried to find some drinking games to play while watching my beloved Kdramas but that I'd had no luck. Hence I decided to create my own. (=^-^=) Lets begin......... First things first, this level is extremely difficult and is a sure way to get yourself plastered (i'm not kidding here folks) so please only play this game when you are planning on staying at one place for a long period of time. Rules: Anytime any of the following occurs everyone must either take a shot or down a beer/whatever bottled alcoholic beverage you prefer (unless noted otherwise) A guy grabs a girl by the arm and drags her off somewhere in a rush  A scene takes place inside a cafe  2 shots/beers if the cafe is playing an English s

Drinking Game for Kdrama addicts cont.

Last post I mentioned that I tried to find some games to play while watching my K dramas and that I'd noticed that there are not many drinking games oriented around the awesomeness that is this particular genre. So I decided to create my own. (=^-^=) I've divided these rules up into 3 different levels; Lvl 1: for the Super Weak, Lvl 2: for you Average folks and finally.... Lvl 3: you better be an Expert otherwise you'll be in a heap of trouble. Lets continue..... L vl 2: for you Average folks

Drinking Games for Kdrama addicts

Recently I've been watching a TON of Kdramas via DramaFever (and I mean a TON!). Since I am of the legal drinking age, I tried to find some games to play while watching my dramas and I've noticed that there are not many drinking games oriented around the awesomeness that is this particular genre. So I decided to create my own. (=^-^=) I've divided these rules up into 3 different levels; Lvl 1: for the Super Weak, Lvl 2: for you Average folks and Lvl 3: you better be an Expert otherwise you'll be in a heap of trouble. Lets begin..... Level 1: For the Super Weak (or underage)