Fall in Love with Me: Episode 12 [Recap]

Truth's out, cards have been played and it's an all out war in episode 12 of Fall In Love With Me and they're going for blood. I think we can all agree that Tian Xing messed up but just how will he try to mend bridges with the people of Oz? Will he fall into Lance's trap and stay by Huan Huan's side? And just how will Le Si handle Leo's confession of love? Let's recap Episode 12 and find out . . .

Welcome to hell Tian Xing . . . there's no escaping now that you've got 4 sharp objects pointed at you.

Now seems like a perfect time to shelve your arrogance and become humble, Tian Xing. I'm glad he at the forethought to at least look contrite.

Nothing like the threat of being skewered.

Well I never thought I'd see the day Leo came to Tian Xing's aide willingly.

Oh, how the tables have turned. Suddenly, Leo is the only ally Tian Xing has--even if it's placed with venom and hostility.  

Leo is not irrational.  He's a calm sort of personality able to to see both sides.  This allows him to be the audiences "truth".

Oh, Lance you can't be all hurt because your Mama said the company can't go on without Tian Xing--isn't that why you've fought so hard to make him stay? However, I don't really appreciate this mother's clear favoritism when it comes to Tian Xing . . . seems cruel to Lance.

I don't care about this family anymore.

I actually feel sorry for Lance.  Mom is not helping the situation.

And just like that, Lance slithered his way into Oz's Garden of Eden . . . gotta admit, it was pretty smooth.  I'm beginning to think that Tian Xing just doesn't think about what he says before he says it--even if it has nothing to do with Le Si. 

No, no you don't . . . you have about as much rights as Tian Xing has rights to Le Si's heart at this point in time.

So, how long do you think it will take for Lance to try and take over OZ?

Seriously . . . . He couldn't have imagined that it would have been easy to transition back into the flow of things.

I think he assumed they would be professional since it's "their" company but they're looking at it as if they've had their company stolen from them--which they have--but I would have been working on how to get it back. Technically, those shares were given under false pretenses and should be null and void . . . . but that's just me.

They are still running under the idea that he wants to take this from them.  It will take time for them to realize he was never the enemy.

I was super glad he turned this into an opportunity for them to learn how to be a real company--I mean they were a real company but if there is one thing Lance is right about it's the fact that a company cannot simply run on hopes and dreams. It needs solid foundation and theirs was rocky at best before Xiao Lu. 

I personally really liked this take on things . . . it shows that he doesn't particularly want/need control of OZ. He just had it thrust upon him--which was not his intention by any means.

Agreed.  From the first, everything he's done is about giving Oz legs to stand on their own.

Once again, I see where she's coming from and to be honest, I wouldn't even have showed up at work for a few days but I also see where he's coming from--this is your company, stop being a baby and take control of what is rightfully yours. This "pity me" display really bothered me. Besides, I think the "kill him with kindness" tactic would bother him more than being petulant. 

Oh please . . . will this man ever learn.

Aunnie shows his side well,  on her side, she is still dealing with the betrayal that the man she hated and the man she loved are the same and she doesn't know what feelings are real.  She's feeling like a colossal idiot right now.  How could she have fallen for it?  What does that make her?

I think this Mama needs to be told that her daughter is the ONLY reason she ended up paralyzed in the first place. No one said "please sacrifice yourself for me"--Mama Dearest, she did it all on her own.

Let the mama hatred begin!!! I foresee this woman causing trouble based off those looks she's throwing Le Si's way.

Asian drama Mamas always blame someone elses actions for their babies being hurt.  Heaven forbid they hold their own kids responsible for their actions.  But in her defense,  she probably sees Le Si has the woman who hurt her daughter and is trying to steal Tian Xing away. 

First off . . . I LOVE this game (Cookie Run)!! it's a lot of fun, and I highly recommend trying it out. Secondly I love that the group is bonding. It really shows that there is potential for OZ and Tian Ji to work together.

Yeah, I love that the two groups are getting closer and I also love that there was nothing romantic in this scene--just pure friendship. I loved this scene as a whole and definitely broke up the monotony of the Tian Xing/Le Si feels. 


I'm glad Leo has a personality FINALLY but really...did it have to come now? 'Cause I was perfectly fine with his second lead because it was so . . . . quiet . . . . but now he's all cute and sweet and nice and confessiony . . I just . . . *sigh*

Can't the writers just stop being so cruel towards us viewers?!

*sigh*  I love this actor.  He's adorable in Love Family.  It was nice to see that side of him show up in Leo.

Can I kill her now?!?!?! . . . . . pleeeeeeeeeease?

No! She's impressionable because she's been babied her entire life and because her brother is so overbearing that she doesn't realize how much damage this little charade is going to cause. She struggled with this process too . . . I don't feel bad for her, but I do pity her character for being surrounded by people who 1) don't allow her to grow up and 2) continue to confuse her on a regular basis. 

Yeah, don't hate her, she is a five year old, mentally.  Big brother wants to give her what she wants, so why would she say no?  Lots of potential for growing up for this girl in this situation though.

Surely making Aaron cry like a little baby is worthy of the death sentence?

It broke my heart to see this, dealing with everything else and then this, I couldn't imagine . . . but I have no comments about whether killing Lance and Huan Huan is justified. 

You just want to hold him and let him know its all okay and Lance is an asshole. lol

I'm sorry, but this is not what Tian Xing needs right about now . . . 

I agree. I think he had good intentions, but she's going to see this as Tian Xing being manipulative again and trying to get his "lackey" to do his work.

its not what either of them need right now.  But, I do like that Uncle Fu, who has some pull as a good guy, stepped in to try and explain.

Uncle Fu just looks heartbroken that he can't fix this but yeah, it's definitely something Tian Xing is going to have to do on his own and I'm glad Tian Xing knows that. I love these two. 

I don't think I can stress enough how much I adore their relationship.

Agreed, their relationship and chemistry is fantastic.

She's an idiot if she doesn't realize where this idea came from. 

oh you knew this was bound to happen.

He's been doing this all along, why would he stop?

. . . . . . . .
how about now?!?

Huan Huan, how could you?? I DEFENDED YOU ALL THIS TIME?? Ugh, ugh . . . she's just . . . doing what her . . . brother told her to do . . . . Huan Huan, you're on strike two, no more strikes or you're out!!


This family is full of lying . . . words I shouldn't say, even on the interwebs

Did . . . did you see that! There's hope for Huan Huan yet! She totally looked guilty as hell when Lance said that. Huan Huan, come back to the light!!!

I'm really hoping Huan Huan grows up through this.  She is a good honest person.  This cannot be sticking well with her. 

Well if we're playing blame, let's just blame the hill for being so steep. Let's blame the car for not breaking down on the way to the cliffs, let's blame God for not snapping Huan Han's neck right away . . I mean come on people . . . it's NO ONE'S FAULT but Huan Huan for making a stupid decision that she'll have to live with. 

::sigh:: Is the pity party over yet?

*facepalm*   After watching Angel Eyes, I can't stomach these type of scenes anymore.

Please tell me I wasn't the only one who cheered for Leo?

Psh, I was like "Tian Xing, he's going to hit you" then WHA-BAM and I was like "Ye-yah!"

Yay Leo!!

I don't see the end of this roller coaster anywhere in sight as we watch our leading ladies and gentlemen continue to hurdle towards a rather unclear future. Lance has now made his first move in becoming the "bad guy" and has even manipulated his sister into helping him. However, will Huan Huan be able to keep up appearances? Leo has declared his heart and even challenged Tian Xing to a fair match to win Le Si's heart but it doesn't look like Le Si is in any hurry to choose one or the other. And what about the goofy assistants? What lies in store for them? Leave your theories in the comment section below and turn back in next week to figure out some answers! 

These will just be a standard thing here at the end of the posts
so I hope you all enjoy them from now on

Want more from our makeshift Fall in Love with Me​​ Drama Club? Check out our individual blogs or get in touch with us via Twitter!

Firnlambe - @firnlambe
Aunnie - Words of Aunnie | @asherette06
Wendilynn - As the Kimchi Turns

Next Episode

Episode 13


  1. I am loving these recaps. You all are so much fun! I'm reading these having just watched episode 30, and I'm really enjoying the journey you are taking as Huan Huan gets more and more twisted. I'm trying to catch up reading these before I watch the final episodes so I can react along with you.

  2. Oh my goodness....I've been neglecting this blog because real life is a bitch, but I'm glad you've been enjoying our recaps. We need to finish them still, so hopefully we are able to start them up again.


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