Fall in Love with Me: Episode 15 [Recap]

Last week we left off on an ultimatum; Tian Xing needs to marry Huan Huan in exchange for Oz's survival. Just when Le Si is opening up her heart once more to Tian Xing--Tensions are high as he is forced to make a decision that will cost him everything he holds dear--his friends, Oz, Le Si but more importantly, his freedom. How will he handle the choices in front of him? Let's find out on this week's Fall In Love With Me . . .

Apologies in advance for all the obscenities in this post

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My (Firnlambe's) hatred cannot be completely contained within a family friendly vocabulary

Infinite hate for this woman. Can you even SEE her face, woman?? Le Si is too polite 'cause no way would I sit through a luncheon with this family. Eff that.

*urge to kill rising*

This mother is just all sorts of evil. The idea is of course, showing them how they have him and she can't have him and she should just quit now. Le Si isn't that weak though.

Okay, forget my previous comment--let's say I sat through a luncheon with this family--one of two things would have happened after she said this to me: 1) Everyone on the table would have miraculously found itself in her face, on her clothes and that pristine hairdo would be so disheveled; or 2) I would have launched myself in her direction and clawed her face off.

Kill her with fucking FIRE! This woman is absolutely spiteful . . . spiteful! She doesn't even deserve a quiet death. Fire and brimstone is what Rich Bitch deserves.

Boy is Mom off her rocker. She really doesn't understand the situation. I Know what she thinks she's doing, making Huan Huan dreams real.

Since I'm the resident crybaby, obviously we know what I did during this scene. Great acting, their facial expressions--you could see their pain. I love that they are now so open about their feelings, took forever to get here. 

She needs to listen to her brother's advice and forget fulfilling her brother's dreams. Only that way can they save Tian Xing.

Agreed, all she needs to do is drop OZ like a hot sweet potato. Then Rich Bitch, Lance and Huan Huan would have no hold over him anymore and he could just get up, leave and have his happily ever after with Le Si.

Balls of steel, I love you Wei!! Seriously, how is it that Miao Miao and Wei could be the coolest characters in this show? Don't get me wrong, I love Tian Xing and Le Si, I do, but think of all the problems they could have avoided if they were a little more like Miao Miao and Wei?

I'm with you, Aunnie. I thought this guy was a slimeball at first because of the party nonsense, but he's totally turned around. I love that he let Lance know that he was too low to work for.

I was slapping my hands like a seal when this scene played out . . . I'm so happy Wei is taking a stand for something he believes in.

There is the Huan Huan I know and love and am willing to defend. But of course, as soon as she begins to peak her head up, her mother / brother are right there to push her beneath the surface of the spoiled brat they want her to be.

Huan Huan will have to do a lot more growing up first. Her penchant for acting like a 3 year old when Tian Xing is around needs to be gotten over first. This character still makes me want to punch her in the face. The sad thing is that while we know that Mom and Lance don't care about Tian Xing at all, this shows that they really don't care about Huan Huan either. Huan Huan is also a pawn in the "keep Tian Xing at all costs" game. TX is their cash cow and they are not going to let him go. Huan Huan is not going to be happy and they are fiercely ignoring that fact.

Sweetie . . . if you are so scared, why on earth did you even start this lie. It's obviously not gonna end well for you.

Yeah, I'd be all over that shit. "Ya'll saw her leg move, right? Mama Tao, you saw that right? Grab her leg again!" Nope, no way would I let these people walk out of this clinic without confirming that her legs were without feeling. 

How does everyone miss the fact that this Bitch actually moved her leg? It's not like it was a subtle movement either.

She would know in an instant that she can walk. Come on Mom, figure it out. Somebody please save Tian Xing. 

I was disappointed--only because I wanted to see Mama Tao whip her stave off the wall and go all badass on this family. 


Evil . . . . . evil . . . . . evil . . .

Oh Jesus . . . I was cool with Miao Miao but then this guy whipped off his shirt...it was hysterical.  I love these moments though, gives us something to balance the amounts of hateful feels. 

Ok the water fight was cute, but Dear God nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!! This is the one part of Taiwanese Dramas that can bug me lol that OVER the top cheesiness. My face mirrors Helen's exactly. 

I'm glad we get these moments of humor between these characters. I couldn't take it if it was only the Tian Xing/Le Si pain show.

She is so busted. Oh man . . . red handed and clearly in violation of her leg lie, she.is.done.

That picture will come in handy later . . . . . at least it better.

I spy . . with my little eye . . . a lying bitch.

Pretty sure I wouldn't calmly say "a fire at OZ"--I lost my mind when I thought I lost my 200+ page manuscript this weekend. If I'd lost my livelihood in a fire? If I didn't faint immediately, then I'd need to be tranqed. 

What gets me here is that protecting OZ is the ONLY reason Tian Xing is willing to marry Huan Huan and stay at Tian Ji. If you take that away, he walks. No question. How stupid do these guys get at forgetting this simple fact? At this point, Tian Xing will have NO PROBLEM leaving his money and everything else for Le Si.

I'm still waiting for Le Si to go . . .
and just abandon OZ. I know she won't, and that makes me sad, but I can dream can't I?

Kill. Her. I was furious. I cant wait until she gets what's coming to her and she will..oh will she EVER. 


The betrayal by the family he has loved and grown up with is heart breaking to watch. They don't care about him at all. Mom should have known better. She is the bad guy here. Acting all indignant as if she is the innocent party. Even if Lance started the fire without her knowing. 

Oh my god, a drama finally acknowledges the triangle out loud! I can die happy now. But no, Le Si, the "problem" isn't just the ridiculous love triangle you find yourself in, it also lies in the crazy bitch who calls herself "mom" and the jealous brother who wants revenge. You've got a lot of problems, m'dear.

It's awesome when the heroine is willing to fight for her guy. Too bad she's dealing with an infant.

God we're only half way through the series (according to DramaFever this show is 30 episodes long) how long before we finally get this damn couple together?

So unfair of Leo. I just want to grab his shoulders and shake him until we get the Leo from two episodes ago! 

He has no choice. That's what kills.

Exactly . . . he's doing the best he can with the limited resources he's got left.

Sadly, this is so true. Her happiness and her unrequited love is so painful it's driving her crazy--obviously, otherwise she'd never lie about being able to walk.

Yes, Huan Huan is in pain too, but she is so desperate that she can't back away from it, yet.

I don't care if Huan Huan is in pain . . . I know eventually the writers are gonna try and get me to forgive her because she makes this glorious transformation back into a normal human being--but in the meantime she could fall into a pit of acid and I'd be one happy viewer.

Aunnie: Mommy Dearest just made her first fatal mistake . . . Lance won't take kindly to her saying this. Seems like she won't be betraying just one of her children but two . . .

Yeah, this will send Lance over the edge. His towering jealousy of Tian Xing will now come to the front. Of course, in a way this will be good. He'll try to destroy all that Tian Xing cares for and that will make it a clean walk once they have no hold on him. It kills me that Mom really believes money and power will buy Tian Xing's love. Just what experience did these guys have that tells them that love is so pointless?

Ok so I'm a little confused . . . was Tian Ji the Li family's from the beginning? or was did it originally belong to the Lu family before Tian Xing's parents untimely death? Because if it was always the Li family's, then yeah--this was low of Mommy Dearest . . . but if it originally belonged to Lu Tian Xing's parents then wasn't it always his to begin with?

Is Lance and Huan Huan finally starting to understand the consequences of their mother's drastic measures in ensuring her family's "happiness"? Will Lance take out his hurt at his mother's words on Tian Xing or Oz? What will Huan Huan do now that Le Si is fighting for what is rightfully hers? And will Oz ever be able to get back what it has lost? We hope we find out next week . . .

Want more from our makeshift Fall in Love with Me​​ Drama Club? Check out our individual blogs or get in touch with us via Twitter!

Firnlambe - @firnlambe
Wendilynn - As the Kimchi Turns

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Episode 16


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