Fall in Love with Me: Episode 14 [Recap]

Last week we learned just how precariously Tian Xing's livelihood stands in the balance between his "duty" to Tian Ji and his love for Oz--or more specifically, Le Si. Not to mention the betrayal that is going on behind doors with regards to Huan Huan's spinal issue--will Tian Xing be able to extract himself from the tangled web that is Tian Ji or is he permanently ensnared? Let's find out on this week's Fall In Love With Me.

I'm glad she's starting to open up again. It also helps he's put aside his "arrogant" tendencies and becoming more like Xiao Lu . . . only . . . . he's Tian Xing . . . ugh . . . confusion!
He's dropping the arrogant facade that he's had to carry for a long time. He's letting his inner Xiao Lu out. Considering the family he's grown up in, I know why he was like that to begin with.
Agreed . . . things would have been so much easier in the long run.
My heart breaks for him because knowing his "family" and how they are, I would imagine it would be hard to have other friends but then to have friends like the Oz crew and lose them because of that family . . . harsh reality of his life.
T^T this poor man . . . how much more can this family take away from him before they're satisfied
Its a good thing Oz is full of such good people. Anyone else would have dropped his butt on the sidewalk for some of the stunts he pulled. He a good guy though and ultimately she knows that.
And he's back . . . I'm glad he's so mercurial--heartbreaking one moment and then he bounces back to playful and happy.
What other choice does he have?
None . . . and that's terrible. He's forced to put on this brave face because that's all he's able to do--his hands are tied otherwise.
I don't know about this girl. There are times I can defend her and then there are times like this where she's being intentionally evil and sneaky and I can't defend her. I wish she'd pick a side to be one and just stick to it and stop hanging on the fence. Girl, if you're going to be evil, at least own that evilness and do it right. Don't hedge . . .
Nothing Huan Huan does will get me to forgive her

She's a child. She's never had to grow up and children are mercurial in their moods. She sees that Tian Xing isn't happy, but she wants to believe, badly, that it will all change like her brother promises. This is what comes from coddling people.
Holy crap am I glad Le Si was privy to this conversation. So many times in Dramas the leading lady hears something taken out of context and it mucks up an already mucked up situation but yay for them not going that route this time. Lord knows they've got enough issues as it stands. I also like how Tian Xing was completely serious when he said "That's exactly how I feel." Take that Lancelot!
::hehehe::--Lancelot--but yes . . . I agree completely with you, I was super happy she overheard this particular conversation. Plus as an added bonus she didn't come in half way and hear portions out of context.
Le Si needed to know how Tian Xing felt. This goes a long way to her forgiving him. I just wish Lance was listening because he pulls some stupid stuff in regards to Oz later.
I feel like Lance is just a nuisance on his own--with regard to the trouble he'd cause to Oz--but paired with his mother, these two are positively deadly. This woman is as evil as they come especially since she's doing it for her daughter. A mother is dangerous when they're ensuring their children's futures--in Asian drama land, I mean.
A present?

Right . . . Because breaking the heart of the man your daughter loves & forcing him to marry her is exactly what she wanted.
They are incredibly selfish. They can only see what they want. They refuse . . . REFUSE to admit that Tian Xing may want something different. Growing up with this pressure, no wonder Tian Xing ran away in the beginning of this series.
I loved and hated this scene; I loved it because the little dude is very rarely ever seen being serious so I liked it because he had such a visceral reaction to the news but I hated it because everyone was so quick to turn on Wei even though last episode they included him as one of their own. I also liked that Wei stood up for Tian Xing despite his Oz-loyalty being questioned.
*sigh* Is it too much to ask for a set of characters that pay closer attention to someone's reactions before they throw out accusations left and right?
The over reacting to problems is the norm in dramaland. It gets a little old because people always jump to the wrong conclusion when a simple question would have found the answer.
Watching a man crumble at the sight of a train but yet still manage to pick himself up off the pavement and tell you that he'll always protect you--that's a sign, honey. Protect him as much as he protects you.
Yeah . . . this made me go 'awwww'. If this hadn't changed her opinion on Tian Xing, I would have lost all faith in Le Si's character
I loved this scene. Yay for Tian Xing being brave and yay for Le Si for believing him.
What a horrible . . . YOU are the person to blame for this. No way would Lance have done this on his own without your evil influence, woman. In fact, none of your children would be doing what they're doing--to the extent that they are doing it--if it weren't for your horrible, horrible soul! Rich Bitch Needs to Die.
No, I think Lance would have done this too, but she is the one who gave the go ahead. What kills me is she knows she's being bad and yet has the AUDACITY to act like Tian Xing is being unreasonable.
Yes . . . Rich Bitch Needs to Die, but I'm with Wendilynn on this. I know Aunnie would like to keep the blame focused on Rich Bitch, but I feel Lance would have done the same thing. The only difference is, it would have taken him a lot longer to go about getting it completed to this point.
I can't be mad at Leo for saying all these harsh words to Tian Xing because in a way he's right but his anger is terribly misplaced. This scene really broke my heart for both Leo and Tian Xing.
Our poor SLS catalyst doesn't know what else to do . . . the only thing he can do it bitch at Tian Xing on Le Si's behalf.
Both of them are frustrated. The sad thing is that they both know that this is happening because of Tian Xing connection to Tian Ji.
Ahh . . . pretty sure Uncle Fu did exactly what he wanted to do and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it. You didn't "let" anything happen you crazy bi--And another thing, weren't you friends with Tian Xing's parents? Shouldn't you have wanted to raise him out of the goodness of your heart and not expect payment back?

I'd seriously like to know how she goes about justifying to herself all this shit she's putting her "family" through.
The way to hell is paved with good intentions. Tian Xing loved this woman as his second mom. Her betrayal to him really hurts him. He let her control his money for goodness sake. This is a woman he implicitly trusted who is basically violating him.
Ah no . . . we are most definitely not one big happy family, Lance. Your mom's a bi--your sister's a spoiled baby and you are a prick. The absolutely look of betrayal as they backed him into a corner and hung him out to dry was absolutely the worst.
That tear!!!!! T^T How this woman can still claim she's doing this for her "son's" benefit after seeing him break down like this is beyond me. And if I was Tian Xing I would not have stayed around to hear any more of the poison spewing from her fat mouth . . .
This made me mad and cry on Tian Xing's behalf. This was soooooo wrong. Aaron played this beautifully.
I was singing his praises during this scene! Too bad none of them actually took it to heart but GO TIAN XING! They all had the nerve to look frustrated or hurt like . . . what terrible human beings.
I'm done . . . just done with this family.
This family just doesn't get it. Sad, really.
This is the start of a wonderful marriage, don't you think? Nothing says "I love you" more than your mother blackmailing your future husband into marrying you. What is wrong with you Huan Huan? How could you not step in and go "Whoa, back up, no. I want him to want to marry me!" Oh . . . that's right . . . her mother brainwashed her, that's right. Moving on.
This woman needs to die a fiery death before I can become happy again.
Keep in mind, they really believe feelings can change. I'm sure they are thinking, he cared so much for her when they are children, he'll get that back as adults" and of course, their ad agency will get the genius they've been banking on for years.
Can't he see that Tian Xing is in pain? Oh Leo . . .
They don't know what he is sacrificing for them yet.
Nor do they particularly care at this point.
He's freeing her from him . . . symbolically speaking, talk about full circle. How did she not pick up on the fact that something major was up with him? Sometimes, she's more naive than I can stand.
Well at least this explains my question on how 'Xiao Lu' was able to take his bangle off when transforming back into Tian Xing.
She is naive, but she is honest at least. She isn't trying to manipulate him. I loved that he gave her the key to the bangle, and how cool that it was the necklace he tried giving her ages ago. Talk about setting things up. Wow.
Wait, two successful eavesdropping scenes in this episode? This is a total win. Yes, Huan Huan, take that information and digest it. He'll never love you, especially not after being forced to marry you and isn't that reality worse than not having him at all? Think about it . . .
Let the guilt flow through you . . . feel as horrible and shitty as possible before your (bound to happen) transformation from spoiled princess to a normal human being transpires.
Huan Huan doesn't want to face reality yet. After all, she's loved Tian Xing for a long time. And hasn't her brother promised that he'll fall in love with her? He's never wrong, right?
The mystery surrounding how Huan Huan and Lance got their evil tendencies from has been solve--Mother Dearest is at the core of this family's dysfunction. Will Huan Huan finally spill her secret or will she just stand--or rather sit--idly by and let Tian Xing be manipulated into marrying her? How will Le Si take the news? What is the fate of Oz? Will Mother Dearest stick by her word and leave Oz alone? I guess we'll find out next week . . .
Firnlambe - @firnlambe
Aunnie - Words of Aunnie | @asherette06
Wendilynn - As the Kimchi Turns
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