Fall in Love with Me: Episode 13 [Recap]

Last week ended with broken hearts and...broken necks? The episode was strewn with so many emotions, we in the Drama Club had a hard time processing all the twists and turns and, quite frankly, the amount of feels the writers have no problem shooting our way. And if the preview is anything to go by, it doesn't look to be stopping any time soon! Without further ado, Episode 13 . . .

Miao Miao took this muuuuuuuch better than I thought she was going to.

Once again, I'm confronted with the thought "Why is Miao Miao not the lead female character?" She's so awesome, it's really sad that she's only a supporting character.

She's been prepared to hear that Leo confessed for a long time. I think she also knew that Le Si wouldn't stab her in the back and hide it. This is how these type of situations should be handled, with love and trust. Listen up kdrama writers and pay attention, this is how to do these scenes.

Tian Xing, I give you points for effort but really . . . Leo is out for blood and his sights are set on you so I'd be careful, my love. 

ooooo shot down . . .

So funny. Leo for the win.

And just like that Leo is forgotten . . .

I love that OZ was able to win him over.

Awwwwwww. See, he's not just a jerk who insults women when he's drunk.

This was an important scene for me; how did she not think of this herself? I feel like the writer's have taken a step in the wrong direction and have turned our once energetic and badass female lead and turned her into someone who needs to be constantly coddled and steered in the right direction. Am I the only one that thinks that? I want my badass female lead back!

Agreed . . . this Le Si is getting really old really quick. 

She's had the rug to her heart pulled out in a big way. Tian Xing really did a number on her. She's allowed to feel bad for a while. Her confidence took a big hit.

This mom is delusional. "I treat you both the same" No . . . you . . . do . . . not. The more and more I get to know this mom, the worse I feel for lance. And, not that it won't be good for Tian Xing to have this insider information but why is Uncle Fu even privy to this conversation at all? Seems to me, they should be a little more careful about where Uncle Fu's true allegiance lies. 

I wish this family would stop pampering Huan Huan . . . also, I don't think they understand how loyal Uncle Fu is towards Tian Xing. Otherwise I don't think they would be so open about what their plans are for him.

The ownership they feel towards Tian Xing is what disturbs me the most. He's a person, not a possession.

Exactly!!! This family is all sorts of messed up.

Speaking of returning property . . .

I was wondering when the baseball was going to come back into play . . . . now if only he'd return that damn watch

I wonder how this will play out. He's had that ball a long time.

Do you not realize Huan Huan, how many people you are going to piss off once your "paralysis" comes out as fake?

About as many that were pissed about Tian Xing's little ruse . . . which, I might add, started all this . . .

I cannot stand women who act like children. *shudder* My mother would have killed us girls if we EVER acted like this. I got spanked plenty as a kid for "moping in front of the mirror". *chuckles*

Another Brother moment!! I was hoping he'd show up again before the series was over.

I love when big brother shows up. He's always pointing her in a good direction.

Between Tian Xing thinking of himself with two different personalities and Le Si having secret conversations in her heard with her long dead brother, these two are psychotically perfect for each other. 

This is their first step into the healing process. Yay!!

It was an accident. Pure and simple, but it does link them together even tighter than before. They knew each other as children. They were both deeply effected by the older brother's death.

his will definitely go a long way in bridging the gap that's formed between them, that's for sure.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Lance . . . regardless on if he's doing this as a brother, one should never encourage someone to lie such a HUGE lie in order to get what they desire.

I think I've grown irrationally protective of these two siblings. When I watched this scene, I was angry and upset at both of them for being such . . . . *#&@^$'s but now that I've cooled off . . . I no longer have angry feels--just . . . sadness when it comes to these two. Stupid mom.

I have to agree with you Firn. Lance really crosses the line.

Proof that the "Oh Shit" face is 100% universal . . . but seriously . . . "Tian Xing will be here any minute but in the meantime, let me show you this completely amazing thing that we're suppose to be keeping hidden from Tian Xing lest we want him to be furious with us" . . . why would you choose this moment to show your brother that you can stand?

So does this count as her 3rd strike? Cuz it totally should. She even upped the act and instantly fell to the floor when he came around the corner . . .


I love that he's so accepted by the group. His transition into Oz was flawless. I love it.

Look who joined the family.

I did mention that I love how OZ won him over right?

You are doomed to fail . . . which is sad but true. I think it's funny that Tian Xing over heard all this but let Leo have his say. 

oooooh Leo . . . . try as you might we all know you're never going to "win"

You're her brother Leo, just face the facts now.

I had a brief glimmer of hope for this woman, thinking she didn't know what was going on . . . . and then she started talking. I don't think I can stress enough the amount of hate I have directed towards this family.

Same here. I think she was arrogant but not deceitful and then this happened and it click . . . . THIS is why her kids are SO messed up and if her husband was the same way . . . Just sayin'

I really don't like this Mom. Huan Huan is such a child that she lets herself get manipulated because it is what she wants to hear. Mind you, grown adults have this problem too.

And once again, Leo is permanently replaced. Go Miao Miao!

The more I see this couple interact the cuter they become.

This was too cute. It was nice to see Miao Miao smile and play.

This kid is good comedic relief and I just love that Wei is so excepted that he was able to just casually poke fun at him.

Seriously his character is starting to get annoying . . . 

*falls over laughing*

This . . . . THIS justifies all my hatred for her! She knows that what she's doing is wrong, and yet, she continues to do so because she just wants what she desires and has no qualms about casting aside the other party's feelings to get what she wants.

I think her mother has her hand so far up Huan Huan's bum that she was talking in this scene. I do not think Huan Huan truly feels this way, I think her mother has spent so much time pushing her wants and needs on her children that her children think they want what she wants. Huan Huan will redeem herself. I know it.

With everything that's been told to Tian Xing in this episode, I think he's got a big idea of just what way he's being manipulated. And make no mistake, I believe he does know he's being manipulated, whether Huan Huan can walk or not. He sees the writing on the wall.

Wow . . . Mommy's a bitch and Lance, dear, could you look any more like a petulant child in this scene?

I knew this woman was going to cause trouble.

I now understand why Lance is the way he is.  Mommy dearest there is one piece of work.

Auntie wants you to rot away in a prison called "Huan Huan" . . . that's what she wants . . . . as long as her perfect little prison is structurally sound--or at least appears to be--she couldn't care less about how many people she'll eventually hurt in order to fortify Huan Huan's "walls"

Yeah, lets get it all out in the open Lance: You are mommy's second favorite even though you're her real son and it pisses you off. AS IT SHOULD. However, you need to take that up with her and not keep punishing Tian Xing for something he can't help. Second, I really like that Tian Xing rephrased his question the way he did--it's just too bad that Lance didn't take it as a sign "Hmm . . . is my mother, in fact, speaking for me?" He will though, the mom's going to do something that isn't right and Lance is going to stand up to her. I know it. 

Lance does know because its what he wants too.  Tian Xing has always treated Huan Huan well.  But trying to tie Tian Xing to the company through Huan Huan will only make everyone suffer.  And when he finds out she can walk . . . . . . . . oooooooh. 

Yes . . . lets turn your daughters lie into a lifelong commitment . . . quality parenting at its finest, right here folks! Does she even see the change in her daughters face?!? It went from "I'm Happy" to "Shit--really?" in 2 seconds flat.

No because once Huan Huan and Tian Xing got married she could "miraculously" regain her ability to walk and say--*ahem, clears voice to sound like Huan Huan*--"Your love has set me free . . .*silently thinks to herself*. . . of a lie I lived to forever guilt you into staying married to me." Wait . . . I mean . . . I'm suppose to be on Huan Huan's side right?

Lance is just looking pissed in the background.  I don't blame him, he's being pushed out.

What a crazy episode huh? Do you think Tian Xing knows the truth about Huan Huan? How long will Huan Huan be able to keep up the ruse? Will Lance succeed in his plan to take over Oz? And just how far is Mommy dearest willing to go to make Tian Xing marry her daughter? Guess we'll find out next week! 

Want more from our makeshift Fall in Love with Me​​ Drama Club? Check out our individual blogs or get in touch with us via Twitter!

Firnlambe - @firnlambe
Wendilynn - As the Kimchi Turns

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Episode 14


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